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Climate and Climatic Change Group


Chris G. Tzanis is an Assistant Professor in climate physics and dynamics at the Department of Physics of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. His has an extensive teaching experience at undergraduate and postgraduate level (27 courses) mainly in the field of climate and atmospheric physics. He currently leads the Climate and Climatic Change Group comprising postdoctoral, PhD candidates and master researchers. His research experience covers the areas of climate physics and dynamics, climate change and variability, nonlinear processes in the climate system, energy and climate, artificial intelligence and machine learning, remote sensing, atmospheric physics and chemistry, ambient air quality and aerosols. His publication record consists of more than 120 research articles published in international peer-reviewed scientific journals, proceedings of conferences and chapters in international books, with more than 1600 citations (h-index 25). He is Associate Editor or Member of the Editorial Board in several international journals (“Atmosphere”, “Climate”, “Remote Sensing”, “Frontiers in Earth Science”, “Frontiers in Environmental Science”, “Advances in Environmental and Engineering Research”, etc). He is an acknowledged reviewer in more than 40 international journals in the field of climate and atmospheric sciences and a member in several scientific unions and societies. He has participated in 30 national, European and international research projects and has collaborated with more than 60 international institutions in the frame of several important experimental campaigns and research projects (Brief CV).

Phone: +30 210 7276937, +30 210 7276831

Email: chtzanis[at]phys.uoa[dot]gr

Web pages: Google Scholar, ORCID